Tuesday, January 18, 2011

To wait or not to wait.....

Don't know what to do!!! Ok so I do but it feels better to write about it and get it off my chest...

I have this tooth/molar ache and I may know what it is because my last dentist visit was about a month or two ago.  I apparently need a filling in one of my bottom molars ($300) and I have a wisdom tooth that is creeping in putting pressure on the molar next to it ($300+ ??).  Only, I don't remember where the wisdom tooth is although it would make sense if it was on my right bottom side because that would explain all of the pain.

So you all know I am go down to Nayarit in exactly 11 days and my husband said that as soon as I arrive I can go see the dentista.  However, I don't know if I can wait that long due to the pain or if it's ok to be taking pain meds for that long until I leave.  So right now I am at work and I took some pain medication my dentist gave me on my last visit and it is actually working! The reason for the suprise is that I took some yesterday and it didn't do anything for me, I added another half dose today and that seemed to do the trick. 

My Dilemma: To wait and pay only $30+ or not to wait and pay $300+?  I guess it all boils down to how much pain I am in but I can't imagine paying so much when if I can wait just a little longer I can pay little.


  1. I just went through that kind of pain and it is not fun! I took pain meds for almost a month, but then the pain was too much and the meds didn't help me. IF the pain meds are helping, I'd wait. I don't know what your financial situation is like, but $300+ is a lot of money. Money you could use on something else here in Mexico.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Leslie,

    So true. I would rather spend $300+ in Mexico and so I think I will tough it out. Thanks for sharing your story I was afraid of taking pain meds for so long. But you gotta do what you gotta do!

  3. Which pain med is it? I'm a retired nurse and can give you my opinion if you like.

  4. Contessa,

    I responded to your message above via email but realized that you may not have received it. In my original email I went into detail about what I was taking but now I am no longer taking the pain medication because I could not handle the ache any longer. I went to the dentist and got it taken care of. Thank you so much for your concern.

  5. I had a root canal on my back molar (muela) thinking that's where the pain was coming from. Turns out I have a wisdom tooth still moving (at age 67) at an angle. Removing the wisdom tooth is major surgery and I hope it just stays put.

    Good luck with yours

  6. Don't wait for your teeth to have a serious infection or worse. Go to the dentist immediately when you feel the pain. Don't let it become too unbearable for you. Follow the advice of the dentist and everything will be okay.
