Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In Limbo

According to Dictionary.com, limbo can be defined as "an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place." I cannot think of a better way to describe my current situation.

It has been one year since my husband (B) moved back to his "ranchito" in the state of Nayarit, while I, have continued to live in the states.  I do not recommend this arrangement to anybody and would advise to avoid the situation all together. However, unfortanate circumstances have brought us to this time in life and we have simply tried to plow throught it.  Since B moved south, I have been down twice to see him and will be going once again for a month in February. This will be my last "visit" and the real move will take place in June/July of this year.

In anticipation of this move so many questions, reflections, answers and thoughts have been racing through my mind and I can truly say these are the reasons for starting this blog. In hope of receiving, and perhaps giving advice, I would like to sort through it all.  Aside from all of that, I feel as if I have one foot here and one foot over there, it is part of what defines me now and what has always defined me since I can remember.

A Mexican American living in Mexico. Unhyphenated please. That's me, it's like La India Maria says "no soy de aqui ni de alla tampoco"...translation "I am not from here nor from over there." The other example that comes to mind is a scene from the infamous Selena movie when she says "It's hard being Mexican American, you have to know about Pedro Infante and Frank Sinatra!" It makes me chuckle and yet deep down I know at times it is a struggle to deal with these issues without feeling like your betraying one half of yourself.

So here begins a journey of a new way of life that so many others would disregard at the drop of a hat....in search of something more. 


  1. Welcome to the exiles! In Limbo is a perfect way to describe it. Here's hoping that the ranchito works out - my husband longs to move to the country. Let me know if we can help in any way, even if it's just a person to vent frustrations to!

  2. Nayarit is beautiful! I lived in Vallarta for 18 years and I always loved going to Nayarit. It's very different from California (I'm originally from Carmel), but if you're able to go back and forth,you'll have the best of both.

    I was told a few months ago by a gas station attendant that I wasn't from Mexico and I wasn't from the States. I very nicely responded that that wasn't true. I was an American living in Mexico. He just smiled back.

    Even after all these years of living in Mexico, I am exactly that...nothing more, nothing less.

    Just like I tell Cheryl, you'll see...everything is going to work out.

  3. Cheryl: Thanks for the offer I may need to take you up on it and same goes to you.

    Jackie: I agree Nayarit is beautiful. Thanks for the advice, I will defenitely try to have the best of both!
