Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My New Fence – A Quick Fix

A couple of days before Christmas my husband B got around to putting up a wire-post fence.  We were looking for a quick fix to keep out the neighborhood dogs and the cars from making u-turns in our yard.  Every morning I can wake up and don’t have to pick up the dog poop x6 in my yard.  I’m loving it. 

B ended up putting the fence about 5 feet inward from the street so that we have enough space to pull in to our property because the neighbors that own vehicles live across the street and thus park the cars on their side of the street making it difficult to pull in.  Also, visitors can park out on the street for a quick visit because there is enough space and they will not be blocking street traffic. 

Eventually, I would like to make two entrances from the street: 1) a small gate which will open up to a cement walk-way to the front door and 2) a gate for the driveway entrance.  For the walkway entrance I want lots and lots of plants!  Soon I hope. 

The fence is nothing special but for now it does the trick.


  1. Hey amiga. I have missed reading your posts. I hope you had a wonderful christmas and New Years. Hey whatever works for the fence right. Take care Trinidad hope we will be hearing from you again soon.

  2. Sounds like it's working, and it looks very nice, too. What kind of plants do you want?

  3. Welcome back amiga. The fence looks great. A few flowering plants will cover it.

  4. I hadn't adjusted my search until today when I realized you are back! Happy New Year to you and yours. Good fences (most often) make good neighbors.

  5. Lisa n Javi: Thank you very much, I had a somewhat sad Christmas but an awsome New Year. Hope you had wonderful ones too. The fence yeah whatever works I was soo tired of unwanted visitors in my space.

    Nancy: I have already seen several plants that I would like to use however I do not know their names. For the neighboring fence I would like to get a plant that would give us some privacy and for the front a more open crawly flowering plant to hide all of the wire. Soon I hope but then there might be a change in plans which I am about to write a post.

    Contessa: Yes thank you for not giving up on me!

    Zoe: Ha Ha yes indeed. Thank you hope you had a wonderful New Year as well!

  6. I can practically hear your sigh of relief at finally getting a fence up considering why you needed to have one in the first place. I hope it’s been effective. It’s a shame I can no longer see the pictures you posted. Have you made any changes to the fence since it was built?

  7. I’m sorry you had so much to contend with before you got a fence. Hooray for the fence though! Hooray for privacy and protection at last too! Let’s hope that it stays strong for a very long time, and that no car has accidentally backed up into it.
