Friday, October 28, 2011

Home at Last

Ok, Ok, I´m sorry for being away so long.

I made it. I am in 5 de Mayo Nayarit and have tons to share but no time!! We´ve had renovations at the house, and I barely got unpacked a few days ago.  Things have been crazy and today is the first day I´ve tried "El Ciber" at the ranch.  I have to say it hasn´t been bad at all, the connection that is.

This is a short hello, but please bare with me as I get settled in at home.  I think I will create my posts at home and then come in to the ciber all ready to just cut and paste.

On to top of getting settled in I wrangled with a 102 temperature for three days until finally I went to see a doctor and got a shot which took away my fever within hours.  You know how they do things down here in Mexico ha ha.

Well, like I said please bear with me and I hope to post again soon.


  1. Thank you for posting and letting us know how you are. HAv e been worried a wee bit. Glad you got over the fever and are slowly getting settled. Eager to here more news.....

  2. Hola Amiga, so glad to hear you made it to 5 De Mayo, cant wait to hear take care.
    Hugs & Blessings

  3. Me too! I would love to hear how it's going and how you're adjusting, although your post here sounds like you're busy but that it's going well.

  4. Hola Amiga, so glad to hear from you. happy to hear that you made it safely and that you are settling in. I know what you mean about the shots. I had to get two allergy shots the last time I was there. Cant wait to hear from you again. Take care.

  5. Trinidad, there's a surprise over at

  6. glad to hear you made. Will look forward to any updates...hope all is well.

  7. Thank you all for your comments! I hope to post again soon, I started writing my next post and got writers block hmmm I will have to see if a new subject will do the trick.

    I haven´t tried to post any photos and will have to see if it is allowed as it can slow down the connection when you upload and download. We´ll see.

    Nancy: Wow what an honor I need to check out the layouts you´ve suggested and hope to get to it soon.


  8. Just post about what you are doing, what is happening in the house, etc.
