Monday, February 7, 2011

Checking In

Hello! I have missed blogging and reading all my usual blogs. With no internet here at the ranch I have been helpless. I have been to Tepic everyday of last week but alas have not been able to make it to a "cyber" spot. We have been so busy with everything and thus it is all over. By this I mean the rosary, which lasts 9 days, is over. Yesterday. Was the last. Day and we had a posole dinner to give thanks to everyone for their support these past weeks. Please forgive my rambling incorrect sentences etc but I'm trying out the internet on my blackberry so you can only imagine. WeLl I hope to be Able to post more soon about everything that's going on here.


  1. Thanks for your post. Yes I have been worried about you and sending you positive thoughts daily.

  2. I've been checking your blog too wondering how you and your family are doing. Glad to know you're okay.
