Sunday, April 22, 2012

"From My Balcony"

I decided to start a new theme in my posting called "From My Balcony."

I will occasionally catch a birds eye view of some interesting things or things that will make me chuckle to myself as I remember yes, I am in Mexico.

Today, I will share my first "FMB" photo(s).  This one has had a lasting affect on me.  

Early this morning I was asked to move my car by the seƱora that lives just two houses down.  "Vendo cena y ocupo el lugar en frente de mi casa."  Oh, I thought.  Of course I reacted just like a typical American (no offense), I got angry and was like really, you want me to move my car?  I thought this was a public street.  I didn't actually say that but it was what I thought. 

Afterwards I felt so guilty for thinking this way becuase I saw this....
I truly believe everyday I live here, I am becoming a better person for it.  Even though I come from a strong Mexican background, I still grew up in the states.  I am experiencing "culture shock" at a minimized dosage.  This probably doesn't make any sense but it is the best way I can describe how I felt.  Shame on me for letting such a small request ruffly my feathers.


  1. That table looks so cute. Don't feel bad, I have reacted like that too may times to count!!

  2. I know how you feel. Sometimes I feel myself getting mad at little things and then I have to stop and stop and think about where I am and how things are done so differently.

  3. wow, what an adorable little supper table, and how so very Mexican, I totally understand you. I always say that Mexico is a place where things that don't make sense at home make sense.

  4. Keep these postings coming - you have a knack.

  5. I don't miss the USA at all. Mexico just seems to make sense to me, and as far as I know, I have like 1/8 mexican indian in me, so it isn't just a Mexican thing.

    I think life in the USA has just gone mad, be it in the country or in the city, red or blue.

    I'm very thankful for Mexico.
