Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Possible Change in Plans....

I will cut to the chase.

I may be relocating to another place called Bucerias.  Bucerias is in still in Nayarit however it is further South towards Puerto Vallarta.  In fact it is the last major city in Nayarit before entering Jalisco. 

The reason behind the move you say?  I am tired of being a bum.  I know crazy right?  But I can´t help the feeling of uselessness.  Hmm is that even a word?  It is hard to explain but in short I miss work.  The only place I can find a job pronto is near Vallarta.  Of course it will not be a dream job but it will keep me busy until I can find something a little more to my liking, a little more decent.

The decision has been made and I am only awaiting the confirmation of work. Please keep your fingers crossed for me because I really want this.   This will mean so many changes for which I am excited. 

Instead of one house I will have two! Most of all I feel that I will be able to enjoy both worlds of the quiet countryside and the city life.  I feel that is really who I am, I miss talking to people about what I love: history, music, art, books.  I don´t get any of that here.

I also miss all of you.  I never am able to sit daily and see what is going on with all of you!  Netflix!  My reasons may be a bit shallow but I´m being honest.  I want both worlds, both lives.

Is that too much to ask?


  1. I have been wondering about the lengthy it is not too much to long as you are both okay with this.

    You do have to do what is right for you also, that is vital to the human spirit.

    We have been to Bucerias and it is a lovely area, much more village like that PV. Let us know the details cuz we still might come visit.

  2. It all boils down to what fulfills you and makes you and those around you happiest. You are young, vital, and full of energy with a brain that is seemingly needing more exercise. Go for it! That area is lots of fun. I stayed in Sayulita several times and there are lots of things going on since you are so near Vallarta. My fingers are crossed for you.l '-)

  3. Good luck, girl. You have to do what is right for you... and I think the country/city combo sounds great. With your great attitude I'm sure you'll get the job!

  4. We miss you too. I hope you get the job that you are hoping for. It sounds like you are excited for this, I hope everything works out. Take care Trinidad.

  5. Yup, you are young, go for it. I too live in two worlds and am not willing to give one up for the other. Keep us posted.

  6. I completely know what you are saying, the first 2 1/2 years I lived here I didnt work and I missed it so much. Then I worked for a year in a job that was not my area. Now I am finally working and in my field. Im so much happier and so is my husband. I will say a prayer for your job. For sure it is easier to find in the city thats why we moved also.

  7. Contessa: Yes, sounds good. I´ll send you an email soon with the details.

    Zoe: Thanks. I am much need of excercising the brain.

    Nancy: Yes, what is right for me because without nurishment my spirit gets damper at times.

    Lisa n Javi: Thank you. I hope to get up to speed with you and your family.

    Mary: Like how you put it - not willing to give one up for the other.

    Amanda: Glad to hear I am not the only one. I thought everybody would think me crazy for wanting to work. I`m just not at a point in my life where I want to completely slow down.
