Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hot, Hot, Hot

Summer has finally arrived here in California and now I've been struggling through the nights to get some sleep!  We have central air but it wasn't working by the end of last summer.  Since summer was over we put off getting it fixed, until now that is.  No fan and no air = no sleep.

Yesterday was the first pleasant night's sleep.  I have not seen  the floor of my room for about 5 days now as I got to packing everything and then it got really hot and I just left everything where it was.  Each time I come home I don't even want to be in my room so I'll sit downstairs until I'm forced to go to bed.  I have one week left and time's a tickin to get things wrapped up at home for my journey South.  Since yesterday was exceptionally hot I couldn't resist the urge to take my two nieces swimming at our communal pool.  Everybody was out and having a great time.  It's amazing how refreshed you can feel after a quick dip in the pool.

As I was going through all the boxes of junk stuff I have, I came across two microcasette tapes.  Curious to see what was on them, I took them to work to listen to their contents (we have microcassette players at work for when the attorneys do dictation....yes they still do that lol).  One had a recording of my late Abuelita Aurelia.  I was so happy to hear her voice again she was such a sweetheart and I miss her so much. 

The other tape had recordings of me tickling the ivories.  Wow, I completely forgot I had recorded myself playing the piano.  I also played Heart 'n' Soul, a duet, with somebody and now I don't remember who!  I'm going to be thinking about it all day until I remember.  Listening to the recording made me want to sit at the piano and practice for hours like I used to. 

Have any of you recently come across something that you just completely forgot exsisted? I love it when you find things that mean so much to you years later, you get to take a trip down memory lane.


  1. We gave away soooooo much when we left the Northwest and moved to Mexico. I try to not have regrets and try to not think about it. Once in awhile I find something in a box that I thought I gave away, but I still have. That is when I get teary eyed! I think when I finally get to unpack all of our bins and boxes, I will probably come across other things I did not know I had actually kept. LL

  2. I am so excited for you and am grateful that through modern technology I can follow you on your journey. I am always excited to unpack my stuff when I get to's like Christmas for me because I forget what I left there. Old photos are always the funnest to find.

  3. My favorite found thing was $900 in a sock stuck in back of a sock drawer. I know, it isn't a sentimental thing but it was much needed when found. Good luck with your packing and the trip; I know I love living without all the stuff we have i our AZ house..feels lighter and "cleaner".

  4. I recently helped my parents move and while I was cleaning out my old room I found all my childhood books and yearbooks. It was a nice memory. I was glad that I found them and just kept thinking how I would be able to bring them down with me for my kids when the time comes.

  5. Linda Lou & Señor Too: Yeah trying to sift through all my stuff is hard because for the most part you most likely wont need it but it will have sentimental value.

    Mary: Yes indeed just like Christmas, especially when you have an empty house! :)

    Zoe: You always seem to say the right things. Lighter and "cleaner" is what I will try to remember when packing. As for the $900, I think anybody would be happy to find that at the back of their sock drawer!

    Lisa n Javi: Childhood books and yearbooks are always nice memories. When I look at my old books I always remember how they made me feel when I read them.

  6. I can't recollect that I ever had this experience. However finding the 2 tapes is invaluable. They are keepers for certain. Good luck with the rest of your packing.
